Corner Coffee, Gisborne | Photography: Sofie Dieu

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#SeeMe needs your support! Read more about how you can support the project…

#SeeME is now working with local businesses and public spaces that have enabled and invited community engagement, to create a photo exhibition with Shae and their staff. The project aims to promote visibility and invite other families, carers and young people to discover safe and welcoming spaces in their local area.

Each nominated site will be added to an interactive map as the project develops, creating a resource for connecting with, and engaging more inclusively with our diverse communities.

Through funding from the Bendigo Bank Community Fund and local community support through our GoFundMe site, we have completed the photographic collaborations and are about to launch the first public exhibition of images at our partner venue - CORNER COFFEE SHOP in Gisborne, on DEC 10.

We are now seeking support to extend the process to other people living with Disability, their Carers and Families by inviting them to name their favourite place so that we can add more sites of welcome and safety to the community into the future.

Your support will enable many young people like Shae to be SEEN and enjoy a more inclusive, engaged life within their local communities, enriching our lives and building better neighbourhoods for US ALL.

#SeeME has a Go Fund Me fundraiser to raise the funds needed for the next step of the project. Follow the link to find out more and to share with your community.

Thank you for your support!


(IN)visible Libraries